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Exclusive Interviews!



One of the great things about being a horror fan is the community - Not just among other horror fans, but the legends and icons who make us fans in the first place. It's so exciting to get to meet one of the greats that we've been watching on the screen for all these years, and what further makes that dream come true is when one of these stars is just as happy to meet us as we are them! We've been met with such appreciation and gratitude recently, and it's just overall such an amazing experience. Meeting and exchanging messages with some of the people whose work we've admired our whole lives has actually inspired us to reach out and ask for interviews with them, exclusively for this site! Now we can let the fanboys dwelling in our minds out to ask all those questions we've spent years wondering! Those we've had the delight of speaking to so far have been so over- whelmingly friendly and hopefully we'll be able to get interviews with all of our favorites in the near future. We hope the interviews will be as exciting, entertaining and informative for our audience as they are for us to conduct them! Exclusive interviews coming soon, in audio and transcript form! Check back for updates and be sure to subscribe to our Youtube, Twitter and Facebook pages to stay informed!












If you would like to appear as a guest on our show, BY ALL MEANS! We'd love to have you on!


Send us an email @ with the subject "Interview,"

and your name,  preference for the type of interview (Phone, Skype, etc)

and the day and time of which would be best to reach you, and we will get a reply to you ASAP!


Alternatively, you can send a message to our Facebook or Twitter where we can be just as easily reached!


You can appear for a group commentary, guest movie review, or just hang on Skype

and do an interview about anything horror related of your choice!



The Blood Puddle Agreement -

By appearing on our show, you acknowledge that you've agreed for us to use whatever form

of recording you submit, and allow us to use the footage on our site, and Youtube account.
In turn, we will advertise your name and links to let people know how to reach you!



Thanks in advance for wanting to contribute to our site!



1.01 Louie Cortes of Blood Slaughter Massacre



























*UPDATE: 5/20/15!

We're having some technical difficulties with our equipment.

We attempted one interview, but it did not result well.

All future interviews are delayed until further notice.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

*We will keep you informed for when we have our interviews up and running,

thank you for understanding. No one is more disappointed than we are.






Rogan Russell Marshall of The Attic Expeditions!


More to come soon!




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